Seven Months: Everything Before & After

Change… that funny, weird, crazy, unexpected thing that creeps up on you when you least expect it. Sounds like a cliche, doesn’t it? Perhaps. But the last seven months of my life have been filled with so many ups and downs that I can only describe it as being a whirlwind of reality that shook […]

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Why you should chase experiences and not things

While most people are chasing cars, steady jobs (and perhaps even lovers) you’ve never felt the same calling. Sure, you know you should be doing it. It’s what everyone has been saying to you for who knows how long. Perhaps you’ve even tried it but after a while found that you’re still unhappy. Deep down, […]

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Why You Should Travel In Your Twenties

Why You Should Travel In Your Twenties

Just the other day I read an article being shared on social media explaining why millennials should not travel in their twenties. Now let me start by saying that while I’m not opposed to hearing all sides of any story and love a good discussion with opposing views, I somehow seem to feel that there […]

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Why I’ll continue to travel

We travel the world and spend most of our days in the quiet comforts of our own company, exploring the unknown. We wander around cities and learn more about the local people and their problems than any news broadcast could ever show. For some of us, travelling solo and not knowing what the future holds […]

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Thirty Before You’re Thirty

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the last year, it’s that life is what you make of it. In the end, it’s you who is left with your thoughts, your conscious and your heart. You are who you are – don’t try and change. And certainly don’t run after anybody who isn’t running after […]

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