15 Local Foods To Try In The Netherlands

Dutch food may not be as well-known as French or Chinese cuisine but there are many local delights which should be tried at least once when traveling to the land of tulips. After living there for six months, I still hold some of these delicious pieces of culinary heaven close to my heart.

Here are 15 Dutch foods to try in The Netherlands… once.. twice and three times over! 



These small, fluffy puffed pancakes are usually made with yeast and buckwheat flour and are prepared in a special pan with several shallow indentations to hold the batter. Typically topped with powdered sugar and butter, this traditional Dutch food is consumed more often in fall and winter (image source).



This is one of my absolute favourites. Dutch appeltaart is known for its delicious cake-like bottom and lattice constructed top; together with cinnamon, sugar and lemon-flavored-apple-sliced filling. Each slice is usually served with a dollop of whipped cream (image source).



These are one of the more popular pub snacks consisting of deep fried crispy meatballs, served with mustard for dipping (image source).

Smoked sausage.


Made with ground meat, spices and salt; this sausage is usually served with other dishes such as stamppot (image source).



Another one of my Dutch food vices – this delicious chewy cookie was first made in the town of Gouda during the 18th century. Basically it’s a waffle shaped cookie made from two thin layers of batter with a sticky syrupy filling in the middle; they are particularly good when placed over a hot cup of coffee, allowing the gooey syrup to melt. Heavenly (image source).



Raw herring is a very traditional Dutch food and should be tried at least once when visiting The Netherlands. Traditionally eaten by holding the fish tail-end and dunking it into your mouth with your head thrown back, this can be a little scary! But for the not so daring, it can be eaten in bite size pieces with some chopped onions or on a sandwich called broodje haring (image source).



Whilst being commonly known as cheese named after the beautiful town of Gouda, this cheese is not actually made there. Rather, it received its name because farmers brought their cheeses to the Gouda markets to sell and trade (image source).



Drop is the Dutch word for licorice and this candy is loved all throughout The Netherlands. With a variety of sizes and flavors from sweet to salty; hard to soft –there is something for everyone. There are several varieties in almost every shop so be sure to look out for them (image source).



More affectionately known as fries with mayo – this is not just any fries, it’s thick cut fries usually served in a hot paper cone slathered with a huge dollop of mayo. So. Good. Especially on a cold day (image source).



If you’re a little scared to try raw herring, that’s okay – you can still try kibbeling! Usually sold hot and fresh at street markets; kibbeling consists of delicious battered, deep fried pieces of white fish served with a mayonnaise-like herb sauce and drops of lemon (image source).



If you’re feeling munchy after a long night out on the town and need a quick snack, then croquettes from a little hole-in-the-wall café is just what you need. Stop by any Febo and here you’ll find little vending machines stocked with hamburgers, croquettes and more (image source).



Imagine deep fried sweet balls of dough usually dusted in powdered sugar. Delicious (image source).



The ultimate Dutch comfort food, stamppot usually consists of mashed potatoes and a range of other vegetables like sauerkraut, carrots and onions (image source).



Also known as snert, this is a thick pea soup usually made from split green peas and other vegetables like celery, onions, leeks, carrots and potatoes. You may even have some slice of smoked sausage added in just before eating. Usually served with a piece of rye bread, this soup is traditionally eaten on New Year’s Day (image source).



Another one of my favorite vices, these gingery spiced biscuits and usually served around Sinterklaas time and can be pretty addictive (image source).



Also known as sprinkles, the Dutch eat this heavenly glitter on bread with butter for breakfast! Yum! Yum! (image source)

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I'm Shalinee - a Geminian scientist who loves to travel, write, draw and eat chocolate. I've visited over twenty countries, published a Environmental Science encyclopaedia and somewhere along the way started a science communication company to help students and corporates translate that hard-to-read data generated in a lab. Other than that, I'm just searching for the magic still hidden in the world.

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